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Resources - Mikketz

Miketz, meaning "at the end', is the final story of Joseph the Boy-Dreamer. He interpreted Pharoah's dream, and is thereby promoted from the dark dungeon to second in command in Egypt - all in one day. Placed into position for the confrontation with his bullying older brothers, Joseph acts in a very obscure manner, accuses them of spying and interrogations and sets traps for them. He imprisons Shimon, and to prove their innocence the brothers are forced to fetch Benjamin, causing anguish to Jacob. And now Joseph has all the brothers together, serves them a large meal, and pulls one last stunt - the appearance of his golden cup in Benjamin's bag. He threatens to enslave Jacob's precious son as due punishment. The portion ends with the stunned brothers facing a major dilemma.
Let us examine Joseph. He has been surrounded all his life by dreams, and yet we only know of the youthful dream of acknowledged supremacy over his brothers. Since he had no real relationship with them, he provoked their hate. Joseph was put down, down into a pit, sold down to slavery in Egypt and finally down into prison. It is at this rock bottom that Joseph turns from over confident dreamer into a Dream Master, understanding the language and interprets them as revelations of G-d's Master Plan. This transformation also educated Joseph that this unique ability is only from G-d. And so with Pharoah's dreams, he has the surety to inform this powerful king about who really controls the natural world (see Bereshit 41:28,32), and yet he has the humility not to promote himself as the overseer of the food rationing project.
Joseph's childhood dream, now almost a reality, benefits everyone but himself. Through him playing out his role as leader, Pharoah and Egypt became rich and a world power, Jacob and his sons survive the famine. However Joseph is removed from all of this, looking at the names he gives his sons we can serve his loneliness at being separated from his family (see Bereshit 41:51-52).
When Joseph tests his brothers to the extreme, he aims to learn if they have also developed, if they are now responsible for their actions, and do they maturely realise their role as "Bnei Yisrael", co-operating rather than having internal conflicts, for it is only then have the pieces of the Master Plan, revealed in the youthful dream, been put into position.