In parshat Lech Lecha, we read about Abraham's first test; the command by G-d to leave his home and family and go to Canaan.
"Vayomer Hashem el Avram lech lecha". This is usually translated as "And G-d said to Avram, "Go for yourself". Rashi explains this to mean "for your own benefit and your own good" which in the next verse we learn is to "become a great Nation".
However, the literal translation of "lech lecha" is "Go TO yourself". If we take this as the meaning, the emphasis of the verse is different. In this case, Abraham had first to discover himself and be confident in his own beliefs, before he is able to settle amongst strangers in a foreign land and become the Father of a great Nation.
From this more literal translation, we, as students, many of us living away from home, amongst other people of different backgrounds and religions, can learn a lot. In this new environment we must also, like Avram, "go to ourselves". By this, we have to examine our own beliefs and do what we feel to be in accordance with these, both religiously and secularly as Jewish students. It is very easy to go along with what everyone else is doing, but unless it fits in with what we really believe, it will not create the greatest happiness and satisfaction for ourselves.
We must not be afraid to stand up for what we believe in, for although it is always nice to be popular; as Abraham and Sarah discovered, this is often achieved by backing down from what we believe in and adapting our principles to fit in with others. As long as we do not antagonise others by putting forward our own points of view, we will soon realise that we will be respected for our individual beliefs as they show that we are being true to ourselves. Once we have established this individually, then together we will truly make a great Nation.