Although the wedding service does not have to be performed in a synagogue, it usually is. One very necessary part of the service is the chuppah, the canopy under which the bride and groom stand.
The bride will normally come in during the singing of a Psalm.< Traditional Psalms for a wedding may be Ma Yedidot (Psalm 84) or the rather less gentle Hariu (Pslam 100).
At the end of the service, the groom will tread on a glass to smash it. The reason for this tradition is that it is said that since the destruction of Solomon's temple it is impossible for there to be absolute bliss for a Jew. By smashing the glass the groom lends a moment of sobriety to the service, reminding us of the bad times in the past, but also looking forward to the time of the Messiah, who will bring us back to the joys of temple times.
After the ceremony, the bride and groom sign the Kettubah, and are whisked away for the party!