The Sofer can use his talents in other ways than writing a Sefer Torah. The marriage contract, or Kettubah, can be printed or it can be a hand-drawn effort. The latter is by far the more aesthetically pleasing, because a lot more work has gone into it.
As well as these parchments, the sofer can write a Megillah, such as Esther. These Megillot, or Scrolls, recall stories such as the one read on Purim.
There are parchments that most Jews require at one point in their lives. The mezuzah is placed on the doorpost of most Jewish homes, and is a box containing the Shema, written on parchment. Orthodox Jews also lay Tefillin, and the two boxes involved contain hand-written parchments.
For the less religious tasks, soferim tend to write invitations or plaques.