In the Messianic Era there will be a number of profound changes to the world. Death will cease forever, the Third Temple will be built, Jews will flood to the Holy Land, and there will be no famine again. Trees in Israel will bring out new fruit every month, and the knowledge of G-d will fill the world. Hence, the role of the Jews will be to act as spiritual guides, and people will come to them for knowledge.
But when can we expect this Era? According to rabbinic calculations, any time now! All the dates for the Messiah to have arrived have passed, and now we only need to repent and do good deeds.
There is, however, another theory as to when we might expect the Messiah. If there were 2000 years between Creation and Abraham, 2000 years between Abraham and the Temple, and if the Messianic Age is any time 2000 years after that, then we must expect something in the year 6000 (Hebrew calendar). Thus, the Messiah may not arrive before the year 6000, but we can be sure that he will do so then at the latest!