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FAQ - Shem Ha-Meforash

What is the Shem Ha-Meforash?

Actually, Shem Ha-Meforash means Extended Name. It allows to extend the spellings of the Hawayah (YHWH), so that they exert a more specific action in the Universe.

The "72-fold Name" is one of the most common variants, which is highly important to Sefer Raziel. It is derived from Exodus 14:19-21, read boustrophedonically to produce 72 Names of three letters. This method was explained by Rashi, (b. Sukkah 45a). In particular, we take the first letter from the first verse, the last letter from the second verse, and again the first letter of the third verse. This gives the first Holy Name from the 72. We proceed the same way to obtain the other names. We take the second letter from the first verse, the second last letter from the second verse, and the first letter from the third verse. Thus, we have the second Name, and so on, until we have all 72. Those three verses contain exactly 72 letters each. Therefore, we obtain a perfect result.

Kabbalist legends state that the 72-fold name was used by Moses to cross the Red Sea, and that it can grant later holymen the power to control demons, heal the sick, prevent natural disasters, and even kill enemies. The recitation of this name should also allow to go through every difficult situation in life, connect to the Lord and obtain the needed heavenly help. It works on the environment around us and also inside of us, to wih our fears and make us a better person.

What is the difference between Divine Name, Angel, and Demon?

According to the kabbalistic tradition, the 72 lettered-Name was just 72 Named of the Lord. Further speculation, brought to add a suffix, to make an Angel our of the Name. The original author assigned randomly either "Yah" (Lord) or "El" (God) as suffix, but he stated that any of the two can be used. Tradition, later, used only one of them. We give the names according to tradition. However, the reader is free to experiment and use also the other suffix, according to that which he wants to obtain. Yah has spiritual properties, brings enlightenment, freedom, action, while El defines a situation, materializes, arrests robbers, etc. Demons are a later addition that comes from magical sources. By a careful examination of their names, it is clear that they were transposed into Hebrew just per chance, but they are neither Hebrew names nor part of this tradition. We give them here just for sake of completeness, so that the reader can see the errors to avoid.

Why to you put angelic seals in the demon section?

In the demon section, the reader will find seals. Currently, those seals from magical sources are referred to as angelic seals. However, this is a mistake. Angelic seals use angelic languages, which are completely different, and no angelic seal of the 72 was given in history. Those are all demoniac seals.

Is the Angel of the Shem Ha-Meforash my Guardian Angel?

Despite you will find a lot of magical site telling you that this is your Guardian Angel, this is not true. If there are 9 billion people on earth, and you divide them by 72, your angel would have really little time to take care of you. The 72 angels are archetipes. Your Guardian Angel it totally a different matter. It is only for you and takes care of you exclusively. There is no way to know its name, unless you receive it by prophecy.

Is is true that we have an Angel on a shoulder and a Demon on the other to advise us?

This is just a depiction of what is really happening. As long as we live in the Tree of Good and Evil, in every choice of ours we are subject to a Bright Side and a Dark Side. Angels are not perfect. They only embody a specific task they are appointed to. Therefore, if you ask them something that is outside their domain, they are likely to fail. This is their defect. It tipically happens when you want something that is not in God's mind and you try to force the angel to do things as you wish instead of how it is decreed. The angel will do its best, but its bad qualities, or demoniac qualities, will come out. That is the so called Demon - a lack of proper understanding, a dimming of the decreed light. As the separation from God increases, it is likely we have a good and a bad adviser linging on our shoulders, as our psyche becomes fractured. This can happen at the level of our Guardian Angel and Prosecutor, or with the Angels of the SHem Ha-Meforash. That is why we chose this depiction.

What are the Angel of the Nefesh, the Angel of the Ruach, and the Angel of the Neshamah?

We have 3 components: A Body/Nefesh, a Spirit/Ruach, and a Soul/Neshamah. Therefore, we have three Names/Angels/Demons from the 72, which rule upon each one of those aspects. The Angel of the Nefesh has a major impact on our health, bodily desires, conduct in life. It represents our blueprint, the mix of genes and environment that formed us and represent where we come from and what we bring with us (our past). The Angel of the Ruach represent our energy, the things we do, what we are building, how we are developing ourselves now, in the present. The angel of the Nsehamah represents our higher passions and goals, what we strive to become, where we will finally go. It's the future, but also God's influence on us, to fulfill our purpose on earth.