Astrolog signs and houses
Sign | English name | House | Traditional name | Ruler |
Aries | Ram | 1st | House of Personality | Mars |
Taurus | Bull | 2nd | House of Money | Venus |
Gemini | Twins | 3rd | House of Communication | Mercury |
Cancer | Crab | 4th | House of Home | Moon |
Leo | Lion | 5th | House of Children | Sun |
Virgo | Virgin | 6th | House of Servants | Mercury |
Libra | Scales | 7th | House of Marriage | Venus |
Scorpio | Scorpion | 8th | House of Death | Pluto |
Sagittarius | Archer | 9th | House of Long Journeys Over Water | Jupiter |
Capricorn | Sea Goat | 10th | House of Career | Saturn |
Aquarius | Water Bearer | 11th | House of Friends | Uranus |
Pisces | Fishes | 12th | House of Troubles | Neptune |
Signs and correspondences
No. | Sign | Rays | Exoteric | Esoteric | Hierarchical | Exalt | Detriment | Fall |
1 | Aries | 17 | Mars | Merc | Uran | Sun | Venu | Satu |
2 | Taurus | 4 | Venu | Vulc | Vulc | Moon | Mars Plut | Uran |
3 | Gemini | 2 | Merc | Venu | Eart | Eart | Jupi | Sout |
4 | Cancer | 37 | Moon | Nept | Nept | Jupi | Satu | Mars |
5 | Leo | 15 | Sun | Sun Nept | Sun Uran | Juno | Satu Uran | Plut |
6 | Virgo | 26 | Merc | Moon Vulc | Jupi | Merc | Jupi Nept | Venu |
7 | Libra | 3 | Venu | Uran | Satu | Satu | Mars | Sun |
8 | Scorpio | 4 | Mars Plut | Mars | Merc | Uran | Venu | Moon |
9 | Sagittarius | 456 | Jupi | Eart | Mars | Sout | Merc | Eart |
10 | Capricorn | 137 | Satu | Satu | Venu | Mars | Moon | Jupi |
11 | Aquarius | 5 | Satu Uran | Jupi | Moon Vulc | Plut | Sun | Juno |
12 | Pisces | 26 | Jupi Nept | Plut | Plut | Venu | Merc | Merc |
Astrolog planets and objects
No. | Name | Rulers | Detriments | Exalt | Fall | Esoteric | Hierarchical | Ray |
1 | Sun | Leo | Aqu | Ari | Lib | Leo | Leo | 2 |
2 | Moon | Can | Cap | Tau | Sco | Vir | Aqu | 4 |
3 | Mercury | Gem Vir | Sag Pis | Vir | Pis | Ari | Sco | 4 |
4 | Venus | Lib Tau | Ari Sco | Pis | Vir | Gem | Cap | 5 |
5 | Mars | Ari Sco | Lib Tau | Cap | Can | Sco | Sag | 6 |
6 | Jupiter | Sag Pis | Gem Vir | Can | Cap | Aqu | Vir | 2 |
7 | Saturn | Cap Aqu | Can Leo | Lib | Ari | Cap | Lib | 3 |
8 | Uranus | Aqu | Leo | Sco | Tau | Lib | Ari Leo | 7 |
9 | Neptune | Pis | Vir | Can | Cap | Can Leo | Can | 6 |
10 | Pluto | Sco | Tau | Aqu | Leo | Pis | Pis | 1 |
11 | Chiron | Pis | Vir | Can | Cap | |||
12 | Ceres | Tau | Sco | Can | Cap | |||
13 | Pallas | Vir | Pis | Cap | Can | |||
14 | Juno | Lib | Ari | Leo | Aqu | |||
15 | Vesta | Sco | Tau | Aqu | Leo | |||
16 | North Node | Aqu | Leo | Gem | Sag | |||
18 | Lilith | Sco | Tau | Pis | Vir | |||
19 | Fortune | Pis | Vir | Sag | Gem | |||
22 | Ascendant | Ari | Lib | Leo | Aqu | |||
31 | Midheaven | Cap | Can | Tau | Sco |
Astrolog aspects
No. | Name | Abbrev. | Angle | Orb | Description of glyph |
1 | Conjunct | (Con) | 0.00 | +/- 7 degrees | Circle with extending line |
2 | Opposite | (Opp) | 180.00 | +/- 7 degrees | Two circles joined by line |
3 | Square | (Squ) | 90.00 | +/- 7 degrees | Quadrilateral |
4 | Trine | (Tri) | 120.00 | +/- 7 degrees | Triangle |
5 | Sextile | (Sex) | 60.00 | +/- 6 degrees | Six pointed asterisk |
6 | Inconjunct | (Inc) | 150.00 | +/- 3 degrees | 'K' rotated right |
7 | Semisextile | (SSx) | 30.00 | +/- 3 degrees | 'K' rotated left |
8 | Semisquare | (SSq) | 45.00 | +/- 3 degrees | Acute angle |
9 | Sesquiquadrate | (Ses) | 135.00 | +/- 3 degrees | Square with extending lines |
10 | Quintile | (Qui) | 72.00 | +/- 2 degrees | Letter 'Q' |
11 | Biquintile | (BQn) | 144.00 | +/- 2 degrees | '+' over '-' |
12 | Semiquintile | (SQn) | 36.00 | +/- 1 degrees | '-' over '+' |
13 | Septile | (Sep) | 51.43 | +/- 1 degrees | Number '7' |
14 | Novile | (Nov) | 40.00 | +/- 1 degrees | Number '9' |
15 | Binovile | (BNv) | 80.00 | +/- 1 degrees | '9' under Roman 'II' |
16 | Biseptile | (BSp) | 102.86 | +/- 1 degrees | '7' under Roman 'II' |
17 | Triseptile | (TSp) | 154.29 | +/- 1 degrees | '7' under Roman 'III' |
18 | Quatronovile | (QNv) | 160.00 | +/- 1 degrees | '9' under Roman 'IV' |
Astrolog constellations
No. | Name | Abbrev. | Meaning | Genitive form |
1 | Andromeda | (And) | the Chained Maiden | (Andromedae) |
2 | Antilia | (Ant) | the Air Pump | (Antiliae) |
3 | Apus | (Aps) | the Bird of Paradise | (Apodis) |
4 | Aquarius | (Aqu) | the Water Bearer | (Aquarii) |
5 | Aquila | (Aql) | the Eagle | (Aquilae) |
6 | Ara | (Ara) | the Altar | (Arae) |
7 | Aries | (Ari) | the Ram | (Arietis) |
8 | Auriga | (Aur) | the Charioteer | (Aurigae) |
9 | Bootes | (Boo) | the Herdsman | (Bootis) |
10 | Caelum | (Cae) | the Chisel | (Caeli) |
11 | Camelopardalis | (Cam) | the Giraffe | (Camelopardalis) |
12 | Cancer | (Cnc) | the Crab | (Cancri) |
13 | Canes Venatici | (CVn) | the Hunting Dogs | (Canum Venaticorum) |
14 | Canis Major | (CMa) | the Great Dog | (Canis Majoris) |
15 | Canis Minor | (CMi) | the Little Dog | (Canis Minoris) |
16 | Capricornus | (Cap) | the Sea Goat | (Capricorni) |
17 | Carina | (Car) | the Keel | (Carinae) |
18 | Cassiopeia | (Cas) | the Queen | (Cassiopeiae) |
19 | Centaurus | (Cen) | the Centaur | (Centauri) |
20 | Cepheus | (Cep) | the King | (Cephei) |
21 | Cetus | (Cet) | the Sea Monster | (Ceti) |
22 | Chamaeleon | (Cha) | the Chameleon | (Chamaeleontis) |
23 | Circinus | (Cir) | the Drawing Compass | (Circini) |
24 | Columba | (Col) | the Dove | (Columbae) |
25 | Coma Berenices | (Com) | Berenice's Hair | (Comae Berenices) |
26 | Corona Australis | (CrA) | the Southern Crown | (Coronae Australis) |
27 | Corona Borealis | (CrB) | the Northern Crown | (Coronae Borealis) |
28 | Corvus | (Crv) | the Crow | (Corvi) |
29 | Crater | (Crt) | the Cup | (Crateris) |
30 | Crux | (Cru) | the Southern Cross | (Crucis) |
31 | Cygnus | (Cyg) | the Swan | (Cygni) |
32 | Delphinus | (Del) | the Dolphin | (Delphini) |
33 | Dorado | (Dor) | the Dolphinfish | (Doradus) |
34 | Draco | (Dra) | the Dragon | (Draconis) |
35 | Equuleus | (Equ) | the Little Horse | (Equulei) |
36 | Eridanus | (Eri) | the River | (Eridani) |
37 | Fornax | (For) | the Furnace | (Fornacis) |
38 | Gemini | (Gem) | the Twins | (Geminorum) |
39 | Grus | (Gru) | the Crane | (Gruis) |
40 | Hercules | (Her) | the Strongman | (Herculis) |
41 | Horologium | (Hor) | the Clock | (Horologii) |
42 | Hydra | (Hya) | the Sea Serpent | (Hydrae) |
43 | Hydrus | (Hyi) | the Water Snake | (Hydri) |
44 | Indus | (Ind) | the Indian | (Indi) |
45 | Lacerta | (Lac) | the Lizard | (Lacertae) |
46 | Leo | (Leo) | the Lion | (Leonis) |
47 | Leo Minor | (LMi) | the Little Lion | (Leonis Minoris) |
48 | Lepus | (Lep) | the Hare | (Leporis) |
49 | Libra | (Lib) | the Scales | (Librae) |
50 | Lupus | (Lup) | the Wolf | (Lupi) |
51 | Lynx | (Lyn) | the Lynx | (Lyncis) |
52 | Lyra | (Lyr) | the Lyre | (Lyrae) |
53 | Mensa | (Men) | the Table Mountain | (Mensae) |
54 | Microscopium | (Mic) | the Microscope | (Microscopii) |
55 | Monoceros | (Mon) | the Unicorn | (Monocerotis) |
56 | Musca | (Mus) | the Fly | (Muscae) |
57 | Norma | (Nor) | the Level | (Normae) |
58 | Octans | (Oct) | the Octant | (Octanis) |
59 | Ophiuchus | (Oph) | the Serpent Bearer | (Ophiuchi) |
60 | Orion | (Ori) | the Hunter | (Orionis) |
61 | Pavo | (Pav) | the Peacock | (Pavonis) |
62 | Pegasus | (Peg) | the Winged Horse | (Pegasi) |
63 | Perseus | (Per) | the Hero | (Persei) |
64 | Phoenix | (Phe) | the Phoenix | (Phoenicis) |
65 | Pictor | (Pic) | the Painter | (Pictoris) |
66 | Pisces | (Psc) | the Fishes | (Piscium) |
67 | Piscis Austrinus | (PsA) | the Southern Fish | (Piscis Austrini) |
68 | Puppis | (Pup) | the Stern | (Puppis) |
69 | Pyxis | (Pyx) | the Compass | (Pyxidis) |
70 | Reticulum | (Ret) | the Net | (Reticuli) |
71 | Sagitta | (Sge) | the Arrow | (Sagittae) |
72 | Sagittarius | (Sgr) | the Archer | (Sagittarii) |
73 | Scorpius | (Sco) | the Scorpion | (Scorpii) |
74 | Sculptor | (Scl) | the Sculptor | (Sculptoris) |
75 | Scutum | (Sct) | the Shield | (Scuti) |
76 | Serpens Caput/Cauda | (Ser) | Head/Tail of the Snake | (Serpenis) |
77 | Sextans | (Sex) | the Sextant | (Sextantis) |
78 | Taurus | (Tau) | the Bull | (Tauri) |
79 | Telescopium | (Tel) | the Telescope | (Telescopii) |
80 | Triangulum | (Tri) | the Triangle | (Trianguli) |
81 | Triangulum Australe | (TrA) | the Southern Triangle | (Trianguli Australis) |
82 | Tucana | (Tuc) | the Toucan | (Tucanae) |
83 | Ursa Major | (UMa) | the Great Bear | (Ursae Majoris) |
84 | Ursa Minor | (UMi) | the Little Bear | (Ursae Minoris) |
85 | Vela | (Vel) | the Sail | (Velorum) |
86 | Virgo | (Vir) | the Virgin | (Virginis) |
87 | Volans | (Vol) | the Flying Fish | (Volantis) |
88 | Vulpecula | (Vul) | the Fox | (Vulpeculae) |
Astrolog planets
Name | Distance | Year | Diameter | Day | Mass | Density | Axis | Satellites |
Earth | 1.000 | 1.00 | 1.000 | 24.00 | 1.000 | 5.50 | 23.50 | 1 |
Sun | 0.000 | 0.00 | 109.125 | 720.00 | 322946.000 | 1.37 | 0.00 | 9 |
Moon | 0.003 | 0.07 | 0.272 | 655.73 | 0.012 | 3.34 | 6.70 | 0 |
Mercury | 0.387 | 0.24 | 0.382 | 1407.60 | 0.055 | 5.44 | 2.00 | 0 |
Venus | 0.723 | 0.62 | 0.949 | 5832.24 | 0.815 | 5.25 | 2.70 | 0 |
Mars | 1.524 | 1.88 | 0.532 | 24.62 | 0.107 | 3.92 | 25.19 | 2 |
Jupiter | 5.203 | 11.86 | 11.209 | 9.84 | 317.938 | 1.24 | 3.12 | 16 |
Saturn | 9.539 | 29.46 | 9.449 | 10.23 | 95.181 | 0.62 | 26.73 | 18 |
Uranus | 19.191 | 84.01 | 4.007 | 17.90 | 14.531 | 1.24 | 82.14 | 15 |
Neptune | 30.061 | 164.79 | 3.883 | 19.20 | 17.135 | 1.61 | 29.60 | 8 |
Pluto | 39.529 | 248.54 | 0.186 | 153.29 | 0.002 | 1.88 | 57.54 | 1 |
Chiron | 13.670 | 51.00 | 0.025 | |||||
Ceres | 2.767 | 4.60 | 0.075 | |||||
Pallas | 2.770 | 4.61 | 0.042 | |||||
Juno | 2.669 | 4.36 | 0.018 | |||||
Vesta | 2.361 | 3.63 | 0.039 |
Astrolog rays
Ray | Name | Will to | Signs | Slice | Planets |
1 | Will & Power | Initiate | Ari Leo Cap | 1.33 | Plut Vulc |
2 | Love & Wisdom | Unify | Gem Vir Pis | 2.00 | Sun |
3 | Active Creative Intelligence | Evolve | Can Lib Cap | 1.83 | Eart Satu |
4 | Harmony Through Conflict | Harmonize | Tau Sco Sag | 2.33 | Moon Merc |
5 | Concrete Science | Act | Leo Sag Aqu | 1.83 | Venu |
6 | Idealism & Devotion | Cause | Vir Sag Pis | 1.33 | Mars Nept |
7 | Order & Ceremonial Magic | Express | Ari Can Cap | 1.33 | Uran |
The signs of the zodiac represent psychological characteristics
Aries is forceful, energetic, direct, courageous, and seeks adventure and challenge.
Taurus is practical, often skeptical and stubborn, and loves serenity and inner peace.
Gemini is inquisitive, witty, perceptive, adaptable, and seeks out information.
Cancer is introspective, emotional, protective, and wants inner and outer security.
Leo is proud, gregarious, dramatic, dignified, and desires self expression.
Virgo is analytical, critical, modest, helpful, and works toward perfection.
Libra is affectionate, tolerant, often indecisive, appreciates beauty, and seeks balance, relationship, and calmness.
Scorpio is penetrating, suspicious, introspective, and desires to transform and remove outer masks.
Sagittarius is jovial, open minded, loves freedom, and seeks meaning and new experience.
Capricorn is industrious, practical, disciplined, and works for solitude and personal integrity.
Aquarius is progressive, erratic, revolutionary, idealistic, humanitarian, inventive, and desires individuality.
Pisces is imaginative, other worldly, impressionable, and seeks transcendence of self.
Houses represent different areas within one's life
The 1st House is the area of life dealing with establishment of personal identity.
The 2nd House is the area of life dealing with self image, self worth, and material security.
The 3rd House is the area of life dealing with communicating to and receiving from the environment.
The 4th House is the area of life dealing with imagination, fantasies, inner feelings, and domestic life.
The 5th House is the area of life dealing with finding joy, pleasure, and creative expression.
The 6th House is the area of life dealing with work and feeling talented and useful.
The 7th House is the area of life dealing with personal relationships and intimacy.
The 8th House is the area of life dealing with sex, death, the occult, and other hard to grasp topics.
The 9th House is the area of life dealing with changes, exploration, and the breaking of routine.
The 10th House is the area of life dealing with career, social stature, and destiny.
The 11th House is the area of life dealing with the future, life goals, and association with friends and groups.
The 12th House is the area of life dealing with things that disrupt or cause disassociation with the personality.
Planets represent various parts of one's mind or self
The Sun represents one's spirit, ego, image of self, and sense of aliveness.
The Moon represents one's emotional nature, moods, feelings, and caring tendencies.
Mercury represents one's thoughts, intellect, and communicative activity.
Venus represents one's creativity, tendencies for affection and calmness, and relationship needs.
Mars represents one's will, energy, activity, and aggressive, assertive tendencies.
Jupiter represents one's enthusiastic, faithful, wise, expansive, spontaneous nature.
Saturn represents one's part of mind that is disciplined, respectful, and solitary.
Uranus represents one's individuality, desires for change, and tendency to go against social norms.
Neptune represents one's intuitive, spiritual, compassionate, psychic nature.
Pluto represents one's destiny, and capacity to transform the self and the outer world.
Chiron represents one's ability to help, heal, and teach others, and where one has much experience.
Ceres represents one's tendency to direct energy to instinctive, creative, reproductive goals.
Pallas Athena represents one's tendency to direct energy away from emotional and into mental pursuits.
Juno represents one's tendency to give away individual power for the benefit of a relationship.
Vesta represents one's capacity to direct creative energy into personal or devotional goals.
The North Node represents one's karmic goals, and best direction of evolutionary growth.
Lilith represents one's capacity to let go and accept their natural darker side.
The Part of Fortune represents one's place where opportunity and success can be found.
Aspects are different relationships between planets
When planets are Conjunct, one is connected and fused together with another. Both parts are prominent in their psyche.
When planets are Opposite, one opposes and creates tension with another. Balance is needed.
When planets are Square, one is in conflict with another. Adaptation is required by both sides.
When planets are Trine, one is in harmony with another.
When planets are Sextile, one has opportunity for growth, exchange, and harmony in relation with another.